Climate Action Plan

Integrated Community Sustainability

Charlottetown’s climate is changing. Increased temperatures, flooding, sea level rise and coastal erosion are examples of climate change impacts that will influence our community’s health and wellbeing, environment, and economy. Climate change effects us all, but we know that the impacts are not felt equally amongst all communities, with disproportionate consequences for communities that are already vulnerable due to systemic inequities.

In response, the City of Charlottetown is creating a Climate Action Plan. The Plan will help the community build resilience to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather, while also reducing our contribution to global climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Additional Project Details

Phase One

Phase One of the climate action planning process launched in January 2023 and was completed in April 2023. In this phase, we gathered early input from the community, key stakeholders, and rightsholders to better understand how climate change and extreme weather have impacted Charlottetown. We also conducted background research and municipal benchmarking to better understand gaps in Charlottetown’s knowledge as well as how our climate action efforts compare to other Canadian municipalities.

The results of Phase One have been compiled in a Final Report. The findings of this report are being used to inform Phase Two of the project.

The Phase One Final Report was presented virtually to the public in April 2023. The recording of that presentation can be found here.

If you would like to receive a paper copy of the report, please contact

Phase Two

Informed by the findings from Phase One, work is well under way on Phase Two of Climate Action Plan development, which will include the creation of the Plan itself .

Studies and Reports

As a component of Plan creation, various studies have been undertaken to ensure the Climate Action Plan is informed by the most recent and relevant data possible. This has involved the compilation of a Future Climate Projections Report for Charlottetown as well as the completion of an updated Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory. In addition, a Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment was completed and resulted in the creation of a list of high priority climate impacts for Charlottetown, available here.


To guide this phase of work, the City is participating in ICLEI Canada’s Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) program and QUEST Canada’s Net Zero Communities Accelerator (NCA) program. These two programs act to guide municipalities through climate adaptation and mitigation planning, respectively, providing access to tested planning frameworks as well as extensive program staff expertise and support throughout the process.

The City has also formed working groups composed of over 65 individuals representing various community organizations, City departments, and public interest groups that will weigh in on the planning process each step of the way.

Community Engagement

When it comes to tackling climate change, all voices need to be part of the conversation.

Extensive community engagement has taken place throughout this project to better understand resident priorities and the public’s vision for success. The first round of engagement took place between April and June 2024 in collaboration with numerous community organizations to invite more voices into the conversation. A summary of this engagement can be found in the Phase 2 What We Heard Report.

The City hosted a drop-in event on June 25th, 2024 as well as an online survey through which attendees had the opportunity to provide input and feedback to inform the vision and actions included in Charlottetown's Climate Action Plan.

Based on the input received from the public as well as the project's working group, draft Goals and Actions for inclusion in Charlottetown's Climate Action Plan were created. These draft Actions were available for public review and input from October 22 to November 17, 2024. Additionally, another drop-in event was held on November 13, 2024. This event allowed community members who prefer to provide in-person input to review the draft goals and actions and to speak to City staff leading this work.

With this final round of community engagement complete, City staff are working on finalizing the Climate Action Plan goals and actions as well as establishing timelines, targets and key performance indicators. A final Climate Action Plan is expected to be presented to Charlottetown Council in early 2025.

Check back on this page for additional project updates. You can sign up for updates by signing up to 'Follow Project' on the sidebar or contacting

Charlottetown’s climate is changing. Increased temperatures, flooding, sea level rise and coastal erosion are examples of climate change impacts that will influence our community’s health and wellbeing, environment, and economy. Climate change effects us all, but we know that the impacts are not felt equally amongst all communities, with disproportionate consequences for communities that are already vulnerable due to systemic inequities.

In response, the City of Charlottetown is creating a Climate Action Plan. The Plan will help the community build resilience to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather, while also reducing our contribution to global climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Additional Project Details

Phase One

Phase One of the climate action planning process launched in January 2023 and was completed in April 2023. In this phase, we gathered early input from the community, key stakeholders, and rightsholders to better understand how climate change and extreme weather have impacted Charlottetown. We also conducted background research and municipal benchmarking to better understand gaps in Charlottetown’s knowledge as well as how our climate action efforts compare to other Canadian municipalities.

The results of Phase One have been compiled in a Final Report. The findings of this report are being used to inform Phase Two of the project.

The Phase One Final Report was presented virtually to the public in April 2023. The recording of that presentation can be found here.

If you would like to receive a paper copy of the report, please contact

Phase Two

Informed by the findings from Phase One, work is well under way on Phase Two of Climate Action Plan development, which will include the creation of the Plan itself .

Studies and Reports

As a component of Plan creation, various studies have been undertaken to ensure the Climate Action Plan is informed by the most recent and relevant data possible. This has involved the compilation of a Future Climate Projections Report for Charlottetown as well as the completion of an updated Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory. In addition, a Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment was completed and resulted in the creation of a list of high priority climate impacts for Charlottetown, available here.


To guide this phase of work, the City is participating in ICLEI Canada’s Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) program and QUEST Canada’s Net Zero Communities Accelerator (NCA) program. These two programs act to guide municipalities through climate adaptation and mitigation planning, respectively, providing access to tested planning frameworks as well as extensive program staff expertise and support throughout the process.

The City has also formed working groups composed of over 65 individuals representing various community organizations, City departments, and public interest groups that will weigh in on the planning process each step of the way.

Community Engagement

When it comes to tackling climate change, all voices need to be part of the conversation.

Extensive community engagement has taken place throughout this project to better understand resident priorities and the public’s vision for success. The first round of engagement took place between April and June 2024 in collaboration with numerous community organizations to invite more voices into the conversation. A summary of this engagement can be found in the Phase 2 What We Heard Report.

The City hosted a drop-in event on June 25th, 2024 as well as an online survey through which attendees had the opportunity to provide input and feedback to inform the vision and actions included in Charlottetown's Climate Action Plan.

Based on the input received from the public as well as the project's working group, draft Goals and Actions for inclusion in Charlottetown's Climate Action Plan were created. These draft Actions were available for public review and input from October 22 to November 17, 2024. Additionally, another drop-in event was held on November 13, 2024. This event allowed community members who prefer to provide in-person input to review the draft goals and actions and to speak to City staff leading this work.

With this final round of community engagement complete, City staff are working on finalizing the Climate Action Plan goals and actions as well as establishing timelines, targets and key performance indicators. A final Climate Action Plan is expected to be presented to Charlottetown Council in early 2025.

Check back on this page for additional project updates. You can sign up for updates by signing up to 'Follow Project' on the sidebar or contacting

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Welcome to the City of Charlottetown Climate Action Discovery Survey!

    The City of Charlottetown declared a climate change an emergency in 2019 to recognize the ongoing and future consequences of a changing climate on our community and the broader global community. We are taking action and would like to hear from you.

    The City of Charlottetown is undertaking Phase One of its Climate Action Plan – the Discovery phase. This phase is about understanding how climate change affects Charlottetown and what climate action is currently taking place in Charlottetown and around PEI. We will compare Charlottetown’s climate action with similar municipalities, establish community priorities, consolidate available climate-related data and initiatives, and identify gaps for further investigation. 

    As a community member, we want to hear from you about how climate change affects you, what climate change initiatives you are currently undertaking, and how the City of Charlottetown can support climate action moving forward. Your input will inform the key themes and actions explored in Phase Two, which will involve the full development of the Plan. The Climate Action Plan will address both climate change adaptation (i.e., managing the impacts of climate change) and mitigation (i.e., reducing greenhouse gas emissions) and will be developed throughout 2023 with an anticipated release in early 2024. This survey is intended as a pre-engagement. Further opportunities for engagement will be conducted throughout the second phase of the project.

    Hard copies of this survey may also be picked up at the Charlottetown City Hall reception desk (199 Queen Street) between 8am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday. To make alternative arrangements to receive a survey, please email Katrina Cristall at or call 902-566-5548 to request a printed copy.

    What to expect

    This survey is organized into the following sections:

    1. An introduction to the climate change challenge.
    2. Questions about how climate change affects you, existing climate change initiatives you are a part of, and what you’d like to see in the City of Charlottetown’s Climate Action Plan.
    3. A bit about you, so we understand who is providing feedback and who we haven't heard from.

    Estimated time: 15 – 20 minutes

    How your input will help shape the Climate Action Plan

    Your feedback from this survey will help us identify key themes and opportunities for inclusion in the Climate Action Plan and will inform our approach to developing the Climate Action Plan in Phase Two of the project as well as conducting future engagement.

Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025, 09:11 AM