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Climate Action Discovery Survey

Welcome to the City of Charlottetown Climate Action Discovery Survey!

The City of Charlottetown declared a climate change an emergency in 2019 to recognize the ongoing and future consequences of a changing climate on our community and the broader global community. We are taking action and would like to hear from you.

The City of Charlottetown is undertaking Phase One of its Climate Action Plan – the Discovery phase. This phase is about understanding how climate change affects Charlottetown and what climate action is currently taking place in Charlottetown and around PEI. We will compare Charlottetown’s climate action with similar municipalities, establish community priorities, consolidate available climate-related data and initiatives, and identify gaps for further investigation. 

As a community member, we want to hear from you about how climate change affects you, what climate change initiatives you are currently undertaking, and how the City of Charlottetown can support climate action moving forward. Your input will inform the key themes and actions explored in Phase Two, which will involve the full development of the Plan. The Climate Action Plan will address both climate change adaptation (i.e., managing the impacts of climate change) and mitigation (i.e., reducing greenhouse gas emissions) and will be developed throughout 2023 with an anticipated release in early 2024. This survey is intended as a pre-engagement. Further opportunities for engagement will be conducted throughout the second phase of the project.

Hard copies of this survey may also be picked up at the Charlottetown City Hall reception desk (199 Queen Street) between 8am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday. To make alternative arrangements to receive a survey, please email Katrina Cristall at or call 902-566-5548 to request a printed copy.

What to expect

This survey is organized into the following sections:

  1. An introduction to the climate change challenge.
  2. Questions about how climate change affects you, existing climate change initiatives you are a part of, and what you’d like to see in the City of Charlottetown’s Climate Action Plan.
  3. A bit about you, so we understand who is providing feedback and who we haven't heard from.

Estimated time: 15 – 20 minutes

How your input will help shape the Climate Action Plan

Your feedback from this survey will help us identify key themes and opportunities for inclusion in the Climate Action Plan and will inform our approach to developing the Climate Action Plan in Phase Two of the project as well as conducting future engagement.